Minor Parent Living Arrangement

Good Cause Minor Parent Living Arrangement Non Compliance

Good cause for the minor parent not living in the home of a parent, legal guardian or other adult relative exists when:

  1. It is in the best interest of the minor or the minor's child to waive the requirement of living in the home of a parent, legal guardian, or adult relative OR
  2. The location of the minor's parent or legal guardian is unknown OR
  3. The minor or the minor's child is being or has been seriously abused in the home of the parent, legal guardian, or adult relative OR
  4. The minor parent has lived apart from any parent or legal guardian for a period of at least one year prior to either the birth of her child or prior to the date of the Cash Assistance application OR
  5. The minor parent has no living parent or legal guardian OR
  6. The minor parent is living with an adult who is not a qualifying relative but who is attempting to gain legal guardianship or legal custody of the minor parent OR
  7. The minor parent lives in an adult supervised supportive living arrangement OR
  8. The minor parent or legal guardian of the minor parent refuses to allow the minor parent to live in the home OR
  9. The physical and/or emotional health or safety of the minor parent or the dependent child would be jeopardized if they resided in the same residence with the minor parent's parent or legal guardian.