Using the CCV

By design, the CCV has been sized so that CCV users can view the information in the CCV in conjunction with information in the application. This allows the CCV user to navigate back and forth between the client-centered view of the CCV and the more detailed information stored in the application.

The CCV can be used to assist social service agency workers in detecting client fraud. By retrieving information from Cúram and non-Cúram systems, the caseworker can detect if a client is attempting to collect the same benefits from different agencies and or within different jurisdictions.

The CCV can also assist call center users in dealing with client queries. For example, if the client, Linda Smith, contacts a call center to enquire about a specific payment, the call center user can launch the CCV for Linda Smith and examine the list of interactions using the dealings component. The CCV provides a link to the payment instruction details page for each payment interaction.