Checking Eligibility on the Application

The intake worker has the option to check the client's eligibility at any time after the application has been submitted and all of the prospect clients on the application have been registered. The eligibility check provides an indication of the benefits a client may be eligible for. The check is available at any stage of the application process, and runs rules on whatever active and in-edit evidence is present on the application at the time. The intake worker can check eligibility multiple times.

Eligibility checking functionality is based on program specific eligibility rules. CCI provides infrastructure that enables an agency to use its rules for the Check Eligibility function. For example, if an agency configures CCI with CGISS, the CGISS eligibility rules will be used to check eligibility for food assistance applications.

An agency managing multiple programs may implement rules to check eligibility for all programs on an application, even for programs the client has not applied for. Based on the eligibility result, the client may decide to add a program to the application. For example, if an agency is processing food assistance and cash assistance applications, the intake worker can check eligibility for food assistance and cash assistance on the client's food assistance application and as a result the client may decide to add cash assistance program to the application if he or she is potentially eligible (for more information see Managing Programs on an Application).

The intake worker can review all of the eligibility checks completed for an application from the list of eligibility checks.