Using Address as Part of Participant Registration

Address information can be used to determine if a participant is already registered. Before entering a participant's details into the system, users can confirm that the person is not already registered. A person's address can be entered here to make sure that they have not already been registered. This prevents duplicate records being created. To complete a participant's registration, a primary address must be entered. For prospect persons, if an address is unavailable, an "Address Unavailable" place holder is used. For persons and prospect persons, the primary address is automatically set to the private address type. For every other participant type, the primary address is automatically set to business. Listed address types for all participants can easily be changed after registration.

Additional addresses can be entered for person, employer and prospect employer participants at registration. When registering an employer a business address and a registered address must be provided. A mailing address can be entered in addition to the primary private address for person participants, although it is not mandatory. Prospect employers can have an additional registered address type entered at registration.