Hearing Appeal Statement Correspondence

Each time a hearing statement is recorded on the system, the system determines whether or not there is sufficient time to send it to the case participants. If there is sufficient time, the system generates a hearing statement correspondence. This correspondence is generated for hearing appeal and hearing review appeal types only.

A hearing appeal statement correspondence is a cover letter based on a template for hearing statements sent to all case participants. A copy is not sent to the participant who submitted the statement. A copy of the statement is sent to all other participants on the appeal case. If the statement is submitted by a hearing witness then a copy of the statement is not sent to the participant on whose behalf the witness has been called but a copy will be sent to all other participants on the case.

The following information is included on the hearing case statement correspondence:

Correspondence Recipient Details
The name and address of the correspondence recipient is displayed.
Issue Date
The issue date for the correspondence is displayed.
Appeal Case Details
The following appeal details are displayed: the hearing reference number, the appeal case reference number, the appellant's name, the scheduled hearing date, and the name of the party submitting the statement.
Contact information
Contact information including the organization name, contact address, and contact user is displayed.