Hearing Decision and Order Correspondence

A decision and order correspondence informs all case participants that a decision has been made and provides them with a copy of the appeal decision. When a decision for a hearing appeal or hearing review appeal is approved, a copy of the decision document is sent together with a generated cover letter. Included in this generated letter is the overall decision for the appeal case. If multiple items have been considered at the appeal, the cover letter includes the decision for each related appealed item under the appeal. Note that this correspondence only relates to hearing appeal and hearing review appeals.

The following information is included on the hearing decision and order correspondence:

Correspondence Recipient Details
The name and address of the correspondence recipient are displayed.
Issue Date
The issue date for the correspondence is displayed.
Appeal Case Details
For hearing appeals, the following hearing appeal details are displayed: the hearing reference number, the requested hearing date, the scheduled hearing date, the scheduled hearing time, the hearing address (home or organization location address), the hearing case number, the name of each appellant associated with the hearing appeal, and the appeal issue(s) to be addressed at the hearing. Note that appeal issues refer to both denied program applications, product delivery cases and issue cases under appeal.

For hearing review appeals, the following hearing review details are displayed: the hearing review hearing reference number, the hearing review case reference number, the name of each appellant associated with the hearing review, and the appeal issue(s) addressed at the hearing. Note that appeal issues refer to both denied program applications, product delivery cases and issue cases under appeal.

For judicial review appeals, the following judicial review details are displayed: the judicial review hearing reference number, the judicial review case reference number, the name of each appellant associated with the judicial review, and the appeal issue(s) addressed at the hearing. Note that appeal issues refer to both denied program applications, product delivery cases and issue cases under appeal.

Decision Resolution(s)
The decision resolution for each appealed item addressed at the hearing is displayed; this resolution is accepted, rejected, or remanded.
Overall Decision
The system prints out a copy of the overall decision document for each case participant. The user responsible for posting the hearing decision and order correspondence must ensure that the decision is attached to the cover letter.
Final Date for Further Appeal
The final date the appellant can request a further appeal is displayed. The final date is a set number of days after the issue date of the decision. The organization name and address where the appellant submits the further appeal request are provided.
Hearing Official/Hearing Reviewer Name
For hearing appeal decision and order correspondence, the hearing official's name is displayed. For hearing review decision and order correspondence, one of the hearing reviewer's names is displayed.