Witness Notification Correspondence

A witness notification correspondence informs a witness that his or her appearance is required at a hearing scheduled on the hearing appeal. The system generates a communication for voluntary witnesses based on the witness notification template each time a hearing is scheduled or rescheduled. Note that witnesses are not required to attend desk-based hearings.

The following information is included on the witness notification correspondence:

Witness Details
The name and address of the witness is displayed.
Appellant Details
The appellant's name and address is displayed. Note that if there are multiple appellants associated with the appeal, only the name of each appellant is displayed. Name and address information is only displayed when there is one appellant associated with the appeal case.
Hearing Case Details
The following hearing case details are displayed: the hearing reference number, the requested hearing date, the scheduled hearing date, the scheduled hearing time, the hearing address (home or organization location address), the hearing case number, and the appealed items to be addressed at the hearing. Note that no address is displayed for telephone hearings.
The witness is instructed to attend the hearing or contact the organization to provide a telephone number.