Appeal Security

When a user attempts to access appeal information or perform operations on an appeal case, the system checks the user's security to ensure he or she has the appropriate rights.

Security for cases, products, and participants governs a user's ability to maintain appeals. Therefore, a user's security role must include the necessary functions for performing case operations; it must also include the necessary security identifiers associated with related products. The user's location must be compliant with location based security requirements. Additionally, the user's sensitivity must be high enough to access relevant participant and case note information. Security administration is covered in the Cúram System Configuration Guide.

Because appeals can have multiple products and/or issues associated with them, an additional level of program security is provided which governs all appeal cases. Like product security, appeal security is rights based. It is used to govern a user's rights to create, approve, maintain, and read appeals information. An additional right for appeals is the ability to approve decisions. The security rights set up at the administration level apply to all appeals.

Appeal security is maintained in two parts: at the security hierarchy level and at the appeal security administration level. A system administrator creates one or more appeal SIDs. A SID is a security identifier that represents a protected resource and is unique across the application. SIDs can be assigned to business processes, to specific fields in the application, and to the programs offered by the organization. These SIDs are applied to one or more rights. They are also added to the appropriate user roles. This establishes a link between the appeal rights and the users who have these rights. A user has the right to perform certain appeal operations only if his or her user profile contains the SID associated with the particular appeal rights. For example, in order for a user to be able to approve an appeal, that user's profile must contain the SID assigned to the appeal approve rights.

The following list describes the rights that can be secured for appeals:

Any user whose security role contains a create SID has the security privileges to create and maintain appeal information.
Any user whose security role contains an approve SID has the security privileges to approve, reject, read, and maintain appeal information.
Approve Decision
Any user whose security role contains an approve decision SID has the security privileges to approve appeal decisions and read appeal information.
Any user whose security role contains a maintain SID has the security privileges to maintain and read appeal information.
Any user whose security role contains a read SID has the security privileges to read appeal information.