Implementing Accepted Decisions

The final stage in the hearing review lifecycle is the implementation of each accepted decision resolution. The system creates a task and assigns it to the case owner of each related case or issue to implement the decision for the appeal.

Accepted decisions require the case owner to override the original case or issue decision to reflect the appeal decision. There are three ways to do this: the case owner can override the evidence recorded on the case or issue, override the eligibility decision on the case, or override the payment details on the case.

Hearing review decisions with a resolution of rejected, remanded, or not decided do not require the owner of the originating item under appeal to override evidence, eligibility, or payment details, as the decision reached on the appeal is to uphold these details. If the hearing review resolution is remanded, the system notifies the hearing review owner and the owner of the item under appeal informing them that a new appeal must be created to reconsider the denied program application, product delivery case or issue case.

Once the decision resolution has been implemented on item(s) under appeal, the hearing review appeals process is complete.