Viewing Audit Plan Progress

Progress of the audit plan is displayed in graphical views within the audit plan and also on the audit coordinator's home page. On the audit coordinator's home page the graphs can be placed anywhere, and can also be configured to define whether the information is displayed in bar graph or pie chart format. The following graphical views are available:

Audit Coordinator home page
An audit coordinator may view an audit plan summary graph which shows the status of the audit plans which he or she is coordinating. An audit coordinator may also view a case audit summary graph which shows the status of any case audits to which he or she has been assigned.
Audit Plan
An audit coordinator can, at any stage, monitor the progress of the individual cases being audited within the audit plan by viewing an audit plan progress graph. The progress is displayed in a bar chart showing the status of all case audits within the plan. An audit coordinator can see that the closer the case audits are progressing towards a status of 'Complete', then the closer the audit plan is to overall completion.

An alternate view is also presented within the audit plan. This is a focus areas progress chart which displays a progress bar for each focus area on the audit plan. This chart indicates the number of focus areas in the audit plan that have been 'satisfied', 'not satisfied' or 'not yet examined'. When a user hovers over an individual focus area further information is displayed about how the focus area has been examined across case audits, for example, Timeliness has been 'Satisfied' on 43 case audits, which equates to 22% of the cases being audited. Looking at the focus areas that have not yet been examined will indicate to the audit coordinator how close the audit plan is to overall completion.