
Agencies may enter into IJ agreements when it is in the best interest of the child to move a child from one jurisdiction to another or a potential adoption may take place in another jurisdiction from the child's original jurisdiction. Children placed in other jurisdictions need to be assured of the same protection and services that would be provided if they remained in their own jurisdiction. They must also be assured of a return to their original jurisdiction should the placement prove not to be in their best interest. This requires agencies to cooperate and assist one another in various activities to promote child safety and placement stability.

Examples of IJ activities include:

CCS provides capabilities for managing and tracking both incoming and outgoing inter-jurisdictional requests. CCS provides templates based on defined processes and forms for IJ agreements. The process for handling inter-jurisdictional activities is sometimes managed by specialized staff responsible for coordinating the information sharing between sending and receiving jurisdictions so that there is a point of contact for each jurisdiction.