
Globally, there are many national, regional, and local initiatives to protect children and promote permanent, safe homes for them. As laws have evolved over the last century, policies have set forth more comprehensive assessments and safeguards intended to protect children. This also has evolved the work of the child welfare caseworker in dealing with children using best practice models that have been extensively studied and researched. National reporting requirements provide useful information in learning about the children who have been hurt, why, and what services work to help prevent further incidents. In the 1990's the United States began a Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information Systems (SACWIS) initiative. In 1989, the United Kingdom's Children Act formalized guidance to local authorities for the safeguarding of children. This resulted in the UK's Integrated Children's System. Other countries also looked towards technology to improve outcomes and reporting for children and to support child welfare caseworkers in completing their important work. There is a strong international community that strives to improve safety and outcomes for children. Cúram has worked together with child welfare domain experts and thought leaders around the globe to improve efforts to protect children and support best practice models.