Kith/Kin Placements

Kin are familial contacts who may be available and appropriate for placement of the child. Kith are non-familial contacts who are emotionally bonded to the child - for example - neighbors, community members. Kith/kin placements are typically preferred as they tend to provide the least intrusive environment for a child. If a kith or kin placement is identified, the caseworker, investigator or other designated person must assure that the placement resource is safe and appropriate.

If a kith or kin resource is identified who has never been utilized by the agency, that resource must be vetted by the agency first before being able to use the kith or kin family as a placement resource for a specific individual(s). This process includes interviews with the family and background checks. A number of factors, such as the child's relationship with the resource, criminal history, condition of the home, etc., are used to determine whether or not the resource would be appropriate for the placement of the specified child.