Legal Actions Framework

The introduction of a legal authority (e.g. council, magistrate, court, etc.) is often an important aspect of an agency's work with a child and family. In order to promote a cooperative relationship to safeguard the well-being of children, agencies are required to achieve accurate and beneficial exchanges of communication and information with the legal authority. When involvement of legal authority is required, the solution integrates the Legal Action Framework as part of the business processes implemented in the solution.

The legal authority may also determine a legal status for participants of the case. The name of a legal status varies according to local legislation and policy and may be configured to meet the requirements of the local agency. Examples of legal status could include:

The solution supports the documenting details of legal action (e.g. petition, hearing, or order) and the participants involved (e.g. children, their family if applicable). Legal actions may be linked or associated to one another to provide a chronology of legal events and outcomes. For example, a custody petition may be associated to the custody hearing