Decision Matrix

One decision matrix is required as there is only one decision type in this assessment. This assessment requires a single outcome to be returned from the combination of answers entered; therefore we do not set the Multiple Outcomes Indicator. We do not require scoring of any type to be returned, so we do not set the Cumulative Score or Score By Outcome Indicators on creation of the matrix.

As this assessment determines the level of placement, the highest priority outcome is Level 1: Secure Detention, and the lowest priority is Level 5: Release. So our next step is to add outcomes to the matrix in this order. This means that the matrix will check first if Level 1 conditions are satisfied; if not, then Level 2; and so on.

  1. From within the determination package, select New Decision Matrix
  2. Enter matrix details:
    • Name Juvenile Detention
    • Type Screening
    • No indicators set
  3. Select the matrix from within the Decision Matrices cluster
  4. From the decision matrix page, select Edit Matrix Data

    The decision matrix editor is now launched.

  5. Select the Question action button to add questions to the matrix.
  6. Select the Juvenile Detention questionnaire from the drop down list
  7. Select all questions for which we'll need to add rules (see below) and add them to the matrix. As all questions have Boolean answer types, it is not necessary to configure the answer values, as they're added by default.
  8. Select Outcomes, and select the outcomes of Level 1, Level 2…Level 5 to be added to the matrix.
  9. Select answer combinations using AND and OR logic as required, and adding combinations for the outcomes as required, for example:
    • If Current Crime of Violence = True => Level 1 outcome
  10. Save the matrix, ensuring there are no validation errors, then exit the matrix editor.
  11. Select Release from the decision matrix home page.
  12. From the determination package home page, select Release.

    Note: Due to the set up of preconditions in IEG, it is not necessary to include the logic from groups other than the last group asked. We can therefore condense the assessment logic down to the following rules:

    • If Answer 1 or 2 or 3 is 'Yes'

      then result is Level 1

    • If none of the above,

      AND answer 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 is 'Yes'

      then result is Level 1

    • If none of the above

      AND answer 21 is not ’Yes'

      then result is Level 2

    • If none of the above

      AND answer 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 is 'Yes'

      then result is Level 3

    • If none of the above

      AND answer 22 is 'Yes'

      then result is Level 4

    • If none of the above

      AND answer 22 is not 'Yes'

      then result is Level 5