
In Decision Assist the questions could be asked in a single IEG script, or split into a number of questionnaires. For this example, we have created a single questionnaire with 7 question groups, as this fits logically with the question groups above. We could also have set up 7 separate questionnaires if we wanted to manage these separately. On creation of the IEG script in Admin, all the questions would be set up as mandatory questions.

  1. From within a determination package, select New Questionnaire
    • Name Juvenile Detention
    • Type Screening
  2. Select Edit Questions from the actions dropdown.
  3. Create the questionnaire in the IEG Editor (see IEG documentation for guidance), setting up preconditions based on the flowchart in the "Questions" section above. For example, Serious Delinquent question group only to be asked if Mandatory Holds questions are False
  4. On exiting and refreshing the Questionnaire page, the questions will be visible
  5. Select Release; this makes the questionnaire available to be added to a Decision Matrix