Participant Type Configuration

Participant type configuration defines the participant types available for selection as part of the create applied and third party deduction processing. The participant types available for configuration include person, employer, external party, product provider, information provider, service supplier and utility.

When setting up an applied deduction, the user can choose whether to apply an active liability for an existing case member or another participant. The same facility is also available when creating a third party deduction, where the user selects which third party payee is to receive the deducted amount.

An organization may wish to restrict the participant types available for selection. For example, an organization may not support the management of liabilities in respect of certain participant types, such as an external party office. It may also wish to restrict which third parties can receive deductions. For example, it may wish to only make deductions on behalf only those utilities that support the health & safety of its clients by ensuring a continuing water or gas supply for the period that the deductions are being made.