Viewing Case Deductions

Each time an applied, un-applied, or third party deduction is created on a case, the deduction record is added to the case list of deductions. For example, if an applied electricity deduction is created, a record of the deduction is added to the list of case deductions. The list displays the name of the deduction, the deduction priority, amount, and percentage. The list also displays the status of the deductions, i.e. active or in-active.

Separate views are also provided for a case's list of active and canceled deductions, a case's list of applied and un-applied deduction, and a case's list of third party deductions. Each view also displays deductions that were active for a past period. The information that is maintained for each of these separate views is filtered so that only information specific to that category is available at the required level.

In addition, a running history of all related changes made to deductions is also available. This provides details of all the relevant deduction transactions on the same page, including when the deduction was created, activated, processed and cancelled.