How does it work?

When the batch process is submitted to the queue from the application, it looks for the following parameters:

  1. DeliveryMethod
  2. InstanceID
  3. ProcessingDate
  4. ProcessingDateFrom
  5. ProcessingDateTo
  6. ProductID

Note that the parameters listed above are not mandatory. If the dates are not entered, they default to the system null date. If DeliveryMethod or ProductID is not specified, all FCs are processed regardless of the delivery method and product. The InstanceID should be specified when using the batch streaming architecture.

When the batch process executes it decides what Financial Components to process based on the parameters specified.


If DeliveryMethod was not specified by the user, each of the following will be processed:

Note that if DeliveryMethod is specified as 'INV', i.e., Invoice, only Liability FCs are processed. Otherwise, Payment and Recoupment FCs are processed for whatever DeliveryMethod was specified as, e.g., Cash ('CSH'), Check ('CHQ'), Giro ('GIR').


The InstanceID should be specified when using the batch streaming architecture.


This is the business date that should be used while executing the batch process. See Business Processing Date details above.


As mentioned above, if the user does not specify ProcessingDateFrom when submitting the batch process, it defaults to the system null date.

If ProcessingDateFrom was set (incorrectly) to a future date, it will default to the system null date when the batch process executes, otherwise, the date specified is used.


ProcessingDateTo is defaulted to the business processing date inside the batch process if the parameter was defaulted to a null date on submission, i.e., no date was specified by the user. The reason ProcessingDateTo is not defaulted to the current date on submission to the queue, if the user does not specify it, is because the client current date may not be 'in sync' with the server current date. In general terms, this could potentially lead to problems when the batch process executes.

If ParameterDateTo was set (incorrectly) to a future date, it will default to the business processing date when the batch process executes, otherwise, the date specified is used.


If ProductID was not specified by the user, cases for all products will be processed.