Submitting to the Batch Queue

Each batch process to be executed must first be submitted to the batch queue via the System Administrator application.

This is done by selecting the Execute action for that batch process from the list. If parameters are required, the user is prompted to enter them on the Execute Batch Process page. The parameters vary depending on the batch process and some are optional. Once the user enters the parameter value(s), they should then click the Execute button to submit the process to the queue. For batch processes that do not require any parameters, the user must confirm the execution of the process. Additionally, the user has the option of canceling at this point.

On submission to the queue, the following entities are populated, BatchParamValue only being populated if parameters are required:

One important thing to note about submitting processes to the queue is that they should be submitted in the order in which they must run, so if process A must run before process B, process A must be executed first. This is particularly important when creating financials.