Approving or Rejecting a Service Delivery

During this stage, the service is either approved or rejected. Typically it is the case supervisor who checks and verifies the service. By approving the service, the case supervisor indicates that he or she is satisfied that the service details are correct. For services that have no eligibility determination processing, once the service is approved, the client is authorized to receive the service. For services that use product delivery processing to determine eligibility, the client's eligibility is determined when the service is approved. If eligible, the client is authorized to receive the service. If the client is ineligible, the service returns to a status of "open" and the client is not authorized to receive the service.

If the service is rejected, the reason why the service has been rejected is entered and the case worker who submitted the case for approval is notified of the rejection. If rejected, the service status returns to "open" and the service must be resubmitted to progress.

Authorized services have a status of "not started" if the start date of the service is greater than today's date. Authorized services have a status of "in progress" when the start date is effective.

Note that when a service that is provided by a third party provider is approved by a case worker, an extra level of approval is provided at the CPM level which allows the agency to approve the payment of invoices submitted by the provider before the agency pays the provider in respect of the service.