Viewing the Service Delivery Status History

The series of stages the service delivery passes through during its lifetime, i.e., the progression of events for the case, is called the service delivery lifecycle. Each service delivery within the integrated case has it's own lifecycle. The system automatically maintains a status history for the service as it passes through the various stages in its lifecycle.

Each service delivery that is created has a status which describes its progress. There are six service delivery statuses: Open, Submitted, Not Started, In Progress, Completed and Cancelled. Each status changes during service processing. The following table describes each status:

Table 1. Service Delivery Statuses
Information Description
Open A service status is 'Open' when first created on the system. A service also has a status of 'Open' if it has been rejected. For services where eligibility is determined, the service also has a status of 'Open' if the client is determined ineligible after the service is submitted or approved.
Submitted A service status is 'Submitted' following submission of the service and approval is required.
Not Started For services where eligibility is not determined, a service status is 'Not Started' when it is approved by a supervisor or if approval is not required and the start date is greater than today's date. For services where eligibility is determined, a service status is 'Not Started' if the client is determined eligible after submission or approval of the service, and the start date is greater than today's date.
In Progress For services where eligibility is not determined, a service status is 'In Progress' when it is approved by a supervisor or if approval is not required and the start date is effective. For services where eligibility is determined, a service status is 'In Progress' if the client is determined eligible after submission or approval of the service, and the start date is effective.
Completed A service status is 'Completed' when the service is manually completed by a user or automatically completed by the system when the last authorized unit of service is delivered.
Canceled A service status is 'Canceled' when the service is deleted by a user. Only services with a status of 'Open, 'Submitted', and 'Not Started' can be deleted.