Viewing Daily Workload Summaries

To assist case workers in their daily work, the case worker workspace allows case workers and their supervisors to view summaries of their daily workload. When a case worker logs into the application, a number of pre-defined summaries are displayed. For example, if defined, a summary of currently assigned cases which may require attention are displayed to the case worker. These allow case workers to see at a glance cases and activities that relate to them and need to be addressed. Each summary provides a snapshot of work for the day and allows for quick access to the information. Case workers can access the full list view for each summary in the relevant area of the workspace and complete the relevant actions on particular information from there.

Case workers and supervisors have the option to change the display of the summaries from the case worker workspace if required. For example, a case worker who rarely uses the case queries summary can turn off the display of the My Case Queries summary if required.

The following summaries are available to case workers:

Quick Links
Quick Links allow for quick access to common actions. Examples of common actions include searching for a case, searching for a person, searching across all participants, and changing the application login password. The operations displayed are configured as part of the application administration.
My Appointments
The My Appointments summary displays appointments recorded in a case worker's calendar. Case workers can use the summary to view activities scheduled for today and next week. Any activities scheduled for today are highlighted to the case worker. Case workers can complete the relevant activities within their case calendar. For information on the case calendar, see Section 6.4 below.
My Tasks
My Tasks summary lists the work that is available to the case worker. Each task is listed in order of priority.
My Items of Interest
The My Items of Interest summary lists items of interest recorded by the case worker. For example a case worker record a case that he or she is tracking as an item of interest. The case worker can access each individual item of interest and access his or her list of items from the pod.
My Case Queries
The My Case Queries summary displays a list of the case worker's recorded case queries. For example a case worker may run a query on a case that was previously assigned to him or her. A case worker can access recorded queries from this list and run new queries from the summary as required.
Caseload Summary
The Caseload summary provides a graphical representation of a case worker's open, submitted, suspended, active, approved cases. The graphical view allows case workers to easily track their workload. This axis displayed in the graph is automatically updated according to the number of open, submitted, suspended, active, approved cases. Case workers can also access their case load from the summary

In addition to the summaries provided for case workers, the following summaries are provided specifically for supervisors to track their daily work and the work of their team.

My Work Queues
A supervisor can use this summary to quickly see his or her work queue.
Assigned Workload
A supervisor can use this summary to quickly see a snapshot of the assigned workload of the case workers managed by the supervisor.
Open Workload
A supervisor can use this summary to quickly see a snapshot of the open workload of the case workers managed by the supervisor. This is the workload that has not been assigned to individual case workers.
My Organization Units
A supervisor can use the organization units summary view details of his or her organization units.