
An investigation is an inquiry into circumstances surrounding an allegation. Social Enterprise organizations receive thousands of reported allegations each year which must be investigated. Examples include allegations of benefit fraud and child abuse. Allegations of benefit fraud or child abuse may come from a number of sources such as members of the public or family members. For example, John is in receipt of Disability Benefit due to being unable to work because of a back injury. John's neighbour informs the organization that John has been working for 'cash in hand' and is committing benefit fraud.

When allegations are made, the organization must examine the details of each allegation reported to establish if the allegation is true and effectively resolve the matter. Cúram Investigation Management provides a mechanism for the organization to manage and resolve reported allegations. It enables the organization to initiate an investigation into a reported allegation, record details of the allegation, enter findings, and record an overall resolution for the investigation. A resolved investigation may result in other processes being put in place. For example, for substantiated allegations of benefit fraud, the organization may decide to withhold the perpetrator's benefit payments and put in place a process to recoup the money owed. Alternatively, if it is decided that an allegation is unfounded, the investigation may be closed.

This chapter provides an overview of the investigation process. The investigation process begins when an investigation is created. Once the investigation is created, a number of investigation management activities must be completed in order to resolve and close the investigation. These management activities include recording an allegation, completing findings on an allegation, entering an investigation resolution, approving the investigation, and closing the investigation. Additionally, any individuals involved in the investigation can be added during the course of the investigation and a closed investigation can be reopened if required. If reopened, the findings recorded on the investigation can be overridden.