Viewing the Investigation Status History

A status history is automatically maintained for all investigations. The status history records details of each status change that the investigation has undergone during its lifetime. The status history is automatically updated when a user submits an investigation for approval, or approves or rejects an investigation.

Every time the system detects an instance of processing for an investigation, it is added to the history. The history displays a record of the investigation, the status, and the effective date of the status change. The effective date allows the user to determine the duration of each status. The status history allows a user to track the progress of an investigation from the time it is created to the time it is closed.

Each investigation has a status which describes its progress during the investigation process. There are five investigation statuses: open, submitted, approved, rejected, and closed. Each status changes during investigation processing.

The following table describes each investigation status:

Table 1. Investigation Processing Statuses.

This table describes the processing statuses an investigation can have.



Open An investigation status is 'open' when the investigation is first created on the system. An investigation can also have an open status if it has been closed and re-opened.
Submitted An investigation status is 'submitted' when the investigation is submitted for approval.
Approved An investigation status is 'approved' when the investigation has been approved by an authorized user, e.g., an investigation supervisor or has been automatically approved by the system.
Rejected An investigation status is 'rejected' if it does not pass the approval process and has been 'rejected' by an authorized user, e.g. an investigation supervisor. A rejected investigation can be modified and re-submitted for approval.
Closed An investigation status is 'closed' if the investigation is completed and no further action is required. If no further action is required, investigations are manually closed by a user.