Your Cases

The My Cases tab allows you to access the complete list of your cases in the multidisciplinary team portal. These are the collaborative social enterprise folders, collaborative outcome plans and collaborative investigation cases for which you are a multidisciplinary team member.

To assist you in managing your cases, each case which has one or more recent transactions since you logged into the portal is highlighted. If for example a new client was added to an outcome plan case since your last login the case will be marked as updated.

The case home page displayed depends on the type of case i.e. whether it relates to an outcome plan, investigation or social enterprise folder. The case representing a social enterprise folder displays a list of clients and cases within the social enterprise folder. These are also viewable via the Clients and Cases links. The case representing an outcome plan displays a list of clients and their objectives. The case representing an investigation shows a list of clients along with the number of open and decided allegations. The sections below describe what is maintained for each type of case.