Setting the Default Nominee

A user can specify any existing nominee on the case to be the default nominee. The user must specify a delivery pattern for the nominee if the nominee has multiple active delivery patterns. If the nominee has only one active delivery pattern, the system automatically selects that delivery pattern to be associated with the default nominee. The system automatically assigns any components that are not explicitly assigned to another nominee to the default nominee using the selected delivery pattern. When a case is created, the system recognizes the primary client as the default nominee and automatically assigns all case components to that person. A user can subsequently change the default nominee to be any other nominee that exists on the case.

Setting the default nominee instructs the system to automatically reassign any case components that have not already been explicitly assigned to another nominee to that particular nominee using the selected delivery pattern. For example, Linda Smith is the primary client on a case. There are two components associated with the case, an Income Assistance and Medical Allowance component. When the case is created, both components are automatically assigned to Linda Smith with the delivery pattern specified during case creation by the system.

John Smith is created as a second nominee on the case and is set as the default nominee by a user. The system reassigns both components to John Smith. If John has only one active delivery pattern, the system automatically selects that delivery pattern to be associated with these components. If he has more than one delivery pattern, a delivery pattern must be selected for each component. James Smith is created as a third nominee on the case and is explicitly assigned the Income Assistance component. As John Smith is the default nominee for the case, the Medical Allowance component remains assigned to John Smith because it has not been explicitly assigned to another nominee.

Payments and bills cannot be issued in respect of unassigned components. Therefore, setting a default nominee ensures that all components that a person is eligible for are assigned to a nominee.