Registering Prospect Persons, Prospect Employers, Representatives

Individuals can be registered as prospect person participants if the organization does not have enough information to register them as person participants. Prospect persons can be registered as part of creating a new screening case or they can be registered in the same manner as the other participant types. They are modeled similarly to person participants but there are fewer information requirements during prospect person registration. This means that an individual can be screened for potential eligibility even if information on that individual is limited. If the organization gains more information on an individual after registering them as a prospect person, the prospect person can be then be registered as a person participant and any information held for the prospect person will be automatically copied to the person record.

Prospect employers are registered in the same manner as the other participant types. If the organization gains more information on an employer after registering them as a prospect employer, they can then be registered as an employer participant.

Representative registration differs from standard registration. Representatives can be registered as contacts for participants, correspondents for participants or cases, and case nominees. Representatives are registered as part of creating these roles rather than as an independent business process. For example, when a letter is sent to a correspondent who is not a registered participant, the correspondent is automatically registered as a representative. The information entered for the correspondent (such as name and address) is automatically transferred to the representative. Note that representatives are generally accessed from the place where they were registered because their purpose only relates to the role for which they were added. The representative's date of birth is used to differentiate a person representative from an organization representative.

Note: Representative registration can be set up to occur as part of additional processing as needed by the organization. For example, if an organization frequently needs to store information on individuals involved in a certain process, representative registration can be set up to occur as part of that process.