Contract Lifecycle

The various stages in the contract lifecycle are described in the table below:

Table 1. Contract Lifecycle
State Description
In Edit When a contract is created or renewed and has not yet been signed the status is 'In Edit'. This indicates that the contract has not yet been activated and signed and therefore not yet binding. An 'In Edit' contract can change to 'Issued' after being generated.
Issued When a contract is generated the status is 'Issued'. This indicates that the contract has been sent to the provider for them to sign. An issued contract can be reissued if changes are made after it has been issued giving a reason of reissue. An 'Issued' status can change to 'Live' after being signed and activated.
Terminated The status is set to 'Terminated' if the contract is prematurely ended before reaching the end date on the contract.
Live When a contract has been signed and activated the status is 'Live'. A contract is now binding.
Amended When a contract is amended a new 'In Edit contract is created. On activation of this new contract the status of the previous contract version changes to 'Amended'.
Canceled The status is set to 'Canceled' if the contract is deleted. A 'Canceled' contract status cannot be changed.