Service Delivery Configuration

The way a service is to be delivered will often vary on a service-by-service basis. Some services, for example, will only ever be delivered on a weekday. Some may be suitable for multiple clients to receive at the same time; some will only ever be delivered to a single client at a time. The way a service is paid for may even vary across services, for example payment for a service may be based on receipt of an invoice or attendance roster from a provider, whereas for other services payment may go directly to the client, rather than the provider.

CPM provides a set of configuration options on a service which can be used to control how the service is delivered and the processing to be used. Default values can be configured for these parameters, and these are automatically used when a case worker creates a service delivery for the service.

An administrator can configure a mechanism for delivering a service using one of four delivery types. The following table describes the available delivery types that determine how each service is delivered and paid for at the case level:

Table 1. Delivery Types and Their Usages
Delivery Type Usage
Product Delivery Used to deliver a service that is provided directly to a client by the organization and to issue payments in respect of the service to a client or other participant, e.g., a Mileage Reimbursement service. If this delivery type is selected, product delivery processing is used to determine eligibility for the service based on client evidence and to issue payments to the client or designated nominee. Note that as payments in respect of services based on this delivery type are usually issued to the client, CPM invoice and attendance roster processing are not utilized for this delivery type.
Service Delivery Used to deliver a service where eligibility for the service does not need to be determined and payments in respect of the service are usually issued to a provider. If this delivery type is selected, CPM financial processing is used to issue payments to the provider or designated nominee. The case worker can record details of the third party provider, deliver the service to the client, and pay the provider or designated nominee using one of the following methods: on receipt of invoices, on submission of attendance rosters, or through a flat rate contract.
Product Delivery with Invoicing Used to deliver a service where eligibility for the service needs to be determined and payments in respect of the service are usually issued to a provider based on custom rates that can change over time due to changes in circumstances. If this delivery type is selected, product delivery processing is used to determine eligibility for the service and manage client evidence. All other aspects of product delivery financial and reassessment processing are also utilized, and the provider or designated nominee is paid based on receipt of invoice or attendance rosters.
Service Delivery with Eligibility Used to deliver a service where eligibility for the service needs to be determined and payments in respect of the service are usually issued to a provider. If this delivery type is selected, product delivery processing is used to determine eligibility for the service and manage client evidence, and CPM financial processing is used to issue payments to the provider or designated nominee using one of the following methods: on receipt of invoices, on submission of attendance rosters, or through a flat rate contract.

Note that if a service is configured to be delivered using one of the delivery types which use product delivery processing, the corresponding product must also be administratively configured. For more information on configuring a product to be delivered as a service, see Section 3.10 of the Cúram Integrated Case Management Configuration Guide.

The following table describes the other parameters that can be configured for a service delivery:

Table 2. Configuration Parameters.

This table describes the parameters that can be configured for a service delivery.



Product If a service is configured to be delivered by one of the delivery types which use product delivery processing ('Product Delivery', 'Product Delivery with Invoicing' and 'Service Delivery with Eligibility'), a product must be selected.
Delivery Frequency Frequency at which the service can be delivered to a client. For example, 'Weekly on a Saturday and Sunday' for a service called Infant Care - Weekends.

Allow Frequency Modification

If a default delivery frequency has been configured for the service, this indicates whether it can be changed by the case worker.

If a default delivery frequency has not been configured, this indicates whether a frequency can be specified by the case worker.

Clients Defines the number of clients who can receive the service delivery. This can be single or multiple.
Multiple Deliveries Indicates whether a service delivery must be created per client when multiple clients are authorized. For example, if a service delivery of marriage counselling is defined and two people are specified (husband & wife), even though the service has been defined for two people it is still a single service delivery.

Specify Authorized Rate

Indicates whether an authorized rate can be specified by the case worker for the service delivery. If this is set, a case worker can manually override the rate to be paid to a provider for providing the service. Note if a custom rate exists for the service, the custom rate will be used in the calculation of the payment amount rather than the authorized rate.

Nominee to be Specified Indicates whether a nominee can be specified by the case worker for the service delivery. If specified, this will be the default nominee for the service. If not specified, a default nominee will be designated according to the delivery type and nominee functionality defined for the service. Where product delivery nominee functionality is used, the default nominee will be the primary client. Where invoice nominee functionality is used, the default nominee will be whoever is specified as the payee in CPM.
Delivery Participation Indicates whether client participation information is visible to the case worker on service deliveries for the service offering.
Specify Number of Units Indicates whether a number of units has to be specified by the case worker for the service delivery.

Complete Manually

Indicates whether a service delivery for this service can be manually marked complete by the case worker. If this indicator is set to false, the completion of the service delivery would be done automatically by the system on delivery of last unit of the service, via the receipt of an invoice or attendance roster.

Provider/Provider Type Selection Defines whether the selection by a case worker of a Provider or Provider Type is mandatory or optional, when creating the service delivery.
Owner to be Specified Defines who will be the owner of the service delivery.
Progress Applicable Indicates whether progress can be recorded by a case worker for a service delivery on an Outcome Plan.
Nominee Type Used in conjunction with the delivery type of 'Product Delivery with Invoicing'. It defines what nominee functionality will be used. This can be Product Delivery nominees or invoice nominees. If Product Delivery nominees are used, nominees can be maintained by using the product delivery nominee maintenance screens. If invoice nominees are used, the nominee will be whoever is specified as the payee in CPM and can only be changed if the service allows for a nominee to be specified.
Provider and Client Referral Templates Templates for communication to be sent to the provider and client when a referral is created.
Security Rights User rights to create, maintain and approve the service delivery.
Pages Page references defined for the service delivery display. A default set of pages will be configured OOTB.
Estimated Cost Rule Set Allows Cúram Express Rules (CER) to be configured for a service to calculate the estimated cost, for display to the case worker. Different rule sets can be configured over time to accommodate changes to the logic used to determine the cost.