Enabling Attendance Rosters

Administrators can specify whether or not attendance tracking for a service offering is enabled. A roster generation frequency can be specified, to define the frequency at which attendance rosters must be submitted, for example weekly or monthly. Once the frequency is set, a roster for the service offering will be generated for each day specified in the roster generation frequency. The administrator also has the option to enable daily attendance reporting for a service. Where enabled, this allows providers to enter attendance information for each day that the client is authorized to receive services, as opposed to a total amount of attendance over the roster period.

Administrators can also specify whether attendance tracking is required in order for a provider to be paid for a service they are offering. This can be used in combination with invoices, to prevent any invoices being paid out until the provider has submitted all rosters due for that payment period.

Where an organization wishes to issue roster-based payments for a service at a different frequency to the payment frequency for each provider, an attendance payment frequency can be specified. Once configured, for every service offering for which client attendance has been recorded and that requires payment, a payment will be made to the provider on the date specified.

Whilst enabling attendance rosters, a reporting method must also be chosen. A description of the available methods is provided below.