Payment Methods

Paying providers for delivery of services can occur through one of several methods:

Where payments are to be made based on attendance rosters, when creating the service the administrator must select the 'Pay based on attendance' indicator for the service. When a provider submits a roster, the system then compares the planned hours from a client service authorization with the actual hours attended, and makes the payment accordingly.

Where payments are to be made based on placement data, when creating the service the administrator must select the 'Pay based on placement' indicator for the service. When the provider is due for payment, a payment is made for the number of places occupied during the specified time period for the service.

Note that neither indicator can be updated after the service has been created. If a service needs to be paid differently or if the ‘Pay based on attendance’ or ‘Pay based on placement’ indicators were set by mistake, a new service with the correct payment configuration should be created. No configuration is required where services are to be paid based on invoices.