Determining a Payment Amount

Successfully validated and matched service invoice line items can be approved, and corresponding payments can be made to the payee. The payment amount is determined using one of the following configured service rates, and in the following order of priority:

  1. Rate specified on the service authorization line item (highest priority, used if specified).
  2. Utilization contract service rate.
  3. Provider service rate.
  4. Service offering rate (lowest priority, used if no higher priority rate specified).

The unit amount specified on the service invoice line item is compared with the applicable rate, as described above, and if they are found to be different, the payment options configured for the provider or service offering are referenced to decide whether to use the invoiced rate, the configured rate, or whether not to pay at all. Based on the applicable rate, a payment amount is calculated. Any difference between the payment amount and the invoiced amount is recorded as a payment transaction, along with the reason for the adjustment.

Where there is a requirement to use custom rates (a rate which can change over time and can change based on circumstances) in determining a payment amount, the service can be configured to be delivered by 'Product Delivery with Invoicing'. If the submitted invoice relates to a service which has a delivery type of 'Product Delivery with Invoicing', and if a custom rate has been specified for the associated product, then the custom rate will be used to determine the payment amount. Custom rates are specified through rules and rate tables. The system uses product delivery processing in this case to determine the payment amount rather than CPM processing. If a custom rate has not been specified for the associated product, then the payment amount is determined using CPM processing as described above.

For information on defining defining rate tables for product deliveries, see Appendix A of the Cúram Integrated Case Management Configuration Guide.