Performance Measurement

Performance measures are parameters that can be used to evaluate the performance levels of providers. The measures are presented as statistical results of data collected. There are four major areas for which performance can be measured:

Table 1. Areas of Performance Measurement
Area Example Performance Measure
Service Quality Percentage of clients satisfied
Service Output Number of units delivered per client
Service Efficiency Cost per unit of service
Service Effectiveness/Outcome Percentage of clients placed successfully (after availing of a job training service)

Performance measurement in CPM involves configuration of measures in the Administration application, defining measures relevant to providers and services and then determining the actual values for those measures.

An agency defines the measures relevant to the services provided by a provider and then collects information against those measures. For example, a measure of 'Successful job placement' is defined for a provider that provides job training services. The agency then collects information for that measure i.e., whether or not each client is placed. This is then used to calculate the percentage of clients that get placed post training.