Compartments and Characteristics

The facility layout consists of compartments and places. Compartments are units of logically grouped places which can be used to represent physical locations such as a room or a building. This allows recording of the structure of the provider facility, more accurate tracking of placements, and setting up placement characteristics for compartments.

A compartment may contain child compartments and/or a group of places for a provider. For example, Lake County Detention Center has a physical capacity of 40 places divided across two buildings. Each building has five floors, with two bedrooms each. Each bedroom has two beds. Each building is a compartment, containing five child compartments, one for each floor. Each floor compartment in turn has two further child compartments, one for each room. These room compartments contain two places to represent the beds. By defining the different levels as compartments, a user can view placement details for each of them and define characteristics.

Some providers may wish to limit the clients in a facility or room to a particular demographic group, for example a room might be for females only, or for children aged between 3 and 10 years.

To facilitate this, CPM allows a user to define characteristics for each compartment. These characteristics are used by a solution module which interacts with CPM to find an appropriate place for the client, by matching the client characteristics to those defined for the compartment. The following table describes the characteristics which are provided out of the box in CPM:

Table 1. Compartment Characteristics.

This table describes compartment characteristics supported in CPM.

Compartment Characteristic


Gang Affiliation Only those clients belonging to the specified gang(s) can be placed in the compartment. For example, if "Aryan Brotherhood" and "Skinheads" are specified, members of either of these gangs can be placed in the compartment. You can also specify "Same Gang Affiliation Only" to ensure that only clients from the same gang are placed in the compartment.


Only those clients speaking the selected language(s) can be placed in the compartment. You can also specify "Same Language(s) Only" to ensure that only clients who speak the same language are placed in the compartment.

Ethnicity Only those clients with the selected ethnicity can be placed in the compartment. You can also specify "Same ethnicity Only" to ensure that only clients with the same ethnicity are placed in the compartment.
Religion Only those clients practicing the selected religion(s) can be placed in the compartment. You can also specify "Same Religion Only" to ensure that only clients from the same religion are placed in the compartment.
Minimum Age Only those clients whose age meets the minimum age requirement can be placed in the compartment.

Maximum Age

Only those clients whose age falls below the maximum age requirement can be placed in the compartment.

Gender Only those clients of one gender can be placed in the compartment.

Placement Service Offering

Only clients receiving this service offering can be placed in the compartment.

Note that application properties exist for both ethnicity and religion that are used to indicate whether these characteristics can be maintained for a compartment within Provider Management. By default, both of these properties are disabled. In order for a user to be able to define these characteristics for a compartment, they must be enabled by an administrator. For more information on CPM Application properties, see the Provider Management configuration guide.