Out of Use Places

There may be periods when a place or compartment may not be available for client placement for some reason, for example renovation or repair. CPM provides a facility to mark a place/all places in a compartment out of use so that they are not available for selection when placing a client.

For example, Lake County Detention Center provides client detention services to the organization. A fire breaks out in one of the rooms and the room is badly damaged, making it unsuitable for occupation. The current occupants of this room are moved to a different facility. The provider informs the organization that the room cannot be used as it is under repair. The resource manager marks all the places (all beds in the room) as out of use, specifying the reason as "Under Repair". The places can no longer be selected to place clients. Once the room is ready for occupation, the resource manager marks all the places for use and the room becomes available for client placement again.