About the AIRS/211 LA County Taxonomy of Human Services

2-1-1 is a three digit telephone number used in the US and Canada that connects callers to a full range of community, social and government services information. AIRS is the accrediting body of the 2-1-1 centers and has developed a taxonomy of human services that provides a standard language and terminology for information and referral providers nationally. It is a hierarchical system that contains more than 9,200 terms that cover the complete range of human services.

The AIRS/211 LA County Taxonomy of Human Services (to be referred to henceforth as "the Taxonomy") is an intellectual property copyrighted by 211 LA County and available only to licensed subscribers. 211 LA County produces two versions of the taxonomy: a US version, and a Canadian version which is available in both English and French. When new terms become available or when the language describing human services changes, the Taxonomy is modified accordingly. 211 LA County issues several updates a year to the Taxonomy to meet the ongoing needs of users

The Taxonomy is available to be downloaded in XML format from the AIRS website by subscribed users. The Taxonomy can be incorporated into the organizations database by importing the file via the CPM administration application.

More information on the AIRS/211 LA County Taxonomy of Human Services can be found on the website www.211taxonomy.org.