AIRS Taxonomy structure and content

The Taxonomy has 9,200 terms which have been classified into 10 basic categories, each of which is broken down to a maximum of six levels. Each term describes a service, program or organization type which can be used to categorize a provider offering. In order to increase the likelihood of a database search successfully identifying the most suitable service provider, a term can also be linked to other taxonomy concepts, for example:

Table 1. Taxonomy Status.

The following table describes the various statuses of the Taxonomy. The transition through these statuses is described in the following sections..



In Edit The status of a taxonomy version on creation. The taxonomy can be created manually or by importing an AIRS XML file.

Pending User Review

When a subsequent version of the taxonomy is imported, if there are changes to terms that require user review and acceptance before importing, the status of the version is set to 'Pending User Review'.

Published The taxonomy is published indicating that all the changes are completed, indicating that it can now be used for indexing and searching.
Superseded When a version is published, the status of the previous published versions are set to 'Superseded'.