Customizing the Taxonomy

It is unlikely that an organization will require all the 9,200 terms imported from the Taxonomy file. An organization can control which terms will be available for use for indexing by setting the display status of the term.

Organizations that use the taxonomy published by AIRS can also add custom terms to the imported taxonomy to suit their own needs. Custom terms are specific to the organization and are not part of the third party taxonomy. New terms can be created, existing terms can be modified and terms that do not apply to the organization can be deleted.

Table 1. Taxonomy Display Status.

The following table describes the various display statuses for a term




Available for use but has not been used for indexing. This is set by the user. An Inactive term can be re-activated.


Available for use and has been used for indexing. This is set by the system when the term is used for indexing. When the term is not used for any indexing, the status changes to Active.

Inactive - Displayed

Not available for indexing, but is displayed in searches and hierarchical views. This status is set by the user. This is set for those terms that cannot be used for indexing, but has to be displayed in order to maintain the hierarchy.

Inactive - Hidden Not available for use and not displayed in searches and hierarchical views. This is set by the user. An organization can hide those terms that are not directly related to the services supported.