Support for Multiple Languages

Some organizations support information and referral systems in more than one language, either for internal users or where citizens access a public Information and Referral site. CPM supports this in two principle ways.

Firstly, CPM provides a facility to import translations of the Taxonomy XML file. Although the translations are maintained as separate XML files, importing a second XML file in a different language from the one already uploaded results in a single taxonomy version on the database for which each term has two descriptions - one in each language. This means that customizing and indexing has to happen only once for both languages. Currently, the only translation which has been made available by 211 LA County is a French language version of the Canadian Taxonomy.

Secondly, standard support for text localization is provided. This allows an administrator to add translations for individual fields on an as required basis. It can also be used where custom terms have been added to an existing Taxonomy version.