Retrieving Resource Information

Indexing resources (provider services) against terms from the services taxonomy increases the chances of a search for a particular resource being successful. CPM provides APIs which can be used to leverage these more extensive search capabilities, which the following example illustrates.

An agency provides services for vulnerable youths. One of the providers they use, "Park Street Outreach Center" is an organization offering counselling programs to vulnerable girls. The service associated with the provider in CPM is 'Counselling Services'. While indexing the provider service, the Resource Manager associates it to the service term 'Adolescent/Youth Counselling', along with the target terms 'At Risk Youth' and 'Girls' to form a compound index.

Without the indexes, in order to return Park Street Outreach's counselling service, a search would have had to include the word "Counselling". With the compound index above, a search for any of "at risk", "adolescent", "girls" or "counselling" would retrieve the provider service."

Note that a service must be indexed against terms from the services taxonomy in order for the keyword search (for a service) to work.