Taxonomy Updates

A published version of the taxonomy can be updated in two ways: By editing and then republishing the current version, or by importing an updated XML file.

Where there are only minor changes required to the taxonomy, an administrator can manually update the terms without importing a new Taxonomy version. Editing a published term creates a new 'In Edit' version of that term. For the changes to be made available, the updated terms have to be republished.

When updates to the Taxonomy from AIRS 211 become available, these can be imported as new versions. The import process compares the existing and new versions, and identifies any terms which have been added, modified, replaced or removed, and records this information for reference. Terms which have been replaced or removed are automatically added to a list of terms requiring review by the administrator to confirm that they can be removed from the database.

CPM also provides some options that allow an administrator some flexibility in how modified terms are handled. Before selecting the file to be imported, the administrator can choose whether or not to review any changes before they are imported. In addition, the administrator can choose to review only those terms for which a particular element has changed, such as the name or definition.

Where terms are identified which require review, the status of the taxonomy version will be 'Pending User Review'. When all terms requiring review have been accepted or rejected, the status of the taxonomy version will become 'Published. The previous taxonomy version will become 'Superseded'.