Milestone Configurations

All service plan milestones are based on an associated milestone configuration. The following table describes the available milestone configuration settings (both optional and mandatory):

Table 1. Milestone Configuration Settings.

This table describes how the milestone configuration settings are used.

Configuration Settings

How Used

Optional or Mandatory
Name and Type The name and type are used to distinguish the milestone configuration. When creating a manual milestone, a user must select the milestone configuration to be applied using the milestone configuration name. Mandatory

Earliest Start Day (days)

This setting is used to determine the expected start date for automatically created milestones. The expected start date is set to the current date on which the milestone is created plus the number of days defined here. This setting is used to validate the expected start date entered by a user. The system uses the start date of the case to validate the expected start date entered by the user when manually creating a milestone. A milestone cannot have an expected start date earlier than this number of days after the start date of the service plan. For example, if the milestone is created on April 1 and this setting is 3, then the expected start date of the milestone is set to April 4.

Duration (days) This setting is used to determine the expected end date for all milestones. For manually created milestones, the expected end date is set to the user-entered expected start date plus this duration minus one. For example if the expected start date is April 1 and the duration is 7 days, the expected end date is set to April 6. For automatically created milestones, the same calculation is applied to the expected start date defined by the date on which the milestone was created and the Earliest Start Day (days). Mandatory
Start Date The start date determines the active, and thus availability, period of the milestone configuration. Mandatory
End Date

The end date determines when the milestone configuration is no longer active. This date is not mandatory as milestone configurations can remain active for an indefinite time period.

Expected Date Extension Allowed This indicates whether or not the expected start and end dates for an automatically created milestone can be redefined. If this indicator is not set, then the expected start and expected end date calculated upon creation of a milestone are unchangeable. Optional
Waiver Required This indicates whether or not a waiver is required in order to change the expected start and expected end date for an automatically created milestone. This can only be set for milestone configurations which allow the expected dates to be extended (as described in the setting above). Milestone waivers are described in Milestone Waiver Request Approval. Optional
Milestone Added Any existing workflow event can be associated with the creation of a milestone. This event can be used to extend the OOTB milestone creation processing. For example, when a milestone is added, a workflow can be enacted to notify the service plan owner. Optional
Milestone Complete Any existing workflow event can be associated with the completion of a milestone. This event can be used to extend the OOTB milestone completion processing. For example, when a milestone is completed, a workflow can be enacted to notify the service plan owner. Optional
Expected Start Date Not Achieved Any existing workflow event can be associated with the expected start date in order to track the timeliness of the milestone. For example, if no actual start date is entered for the milestone and the expected start date passes, a workflow can be enacted to notify the service plan owner that the milestone has not yet started. Optional
Expected End Date Not Achieved Any existing workflow event can be associated with the expected end date in order to track the timeliness of the milestone. For example, if no actual end date is entered for the milestone and the expected end date passes, a workflow can be enacted to notify the service plan owner that the milestone has not been completed in a timely fashion. Optional