Deny Spend Down Period

If a client fails to provide enough Expenses/Pay-In to reduce the Spend Down amount to zero or they choose not to proceed, the caseworker may deny the Spend Down period. The caseworker must enter a reason to indicate why Spend Down cannot be met for the period. Once the reason is entered and the caseworker selects to save, the system will automatically set the status of the product delivery to "Closed" when the Spend Down period is the current period. The product delivery status will not be reset if the Spend Down period is a past period.

The Spend Down status for the period is set to "Denied", and the Spend Down reason is set to the reason the caseworker selects, for example "Insufficient Expenses". As Spend Down was not met for this period, the system reverses the application of the amounts specified from the Expenses/Pay-Ins and updates the amounts available.