Redirecting the User's Tasks

Task redirection enables supervisors to redirect tasks from one user to another. This function is useful for situations such as annual leave. The supervisor can specify start and end dates, and choose which user to redirect to. Once a redirection is active, all tasks currently assigned to the first user are removed from the user's inbox, and added to the assigned tasks list of the second user. While the redirect is active, no new tasks are assigned to the original user; instead, the tasks are assigned to the second user. Any tasks that have been reserved for the original user remain reserved for them. The supervisor may want to consider forwarding or reallocating these reserved tasks.

Task redirection can be setup to start at a future date, running either indefinitely or for a limited period. The supervisor can view a list of active and pending redirections on the task redirection page. A full list of active, pending, and expired redirections is displayed on the task redirection history page. Any active or pending task redirections can be removed by the supervisor.