Enabling Integration with a Content Management System

Integration with a content management system is enabled through the use of a group of application properties located under the 'Application - Content Management settings' category. Three application properties are available to control the level of integration with a content management system.

The curam.cms.enable application property is used to specify whether or not the storage location for certain files should be in the configured content management system instead of the application database. When the application property is enabled, two additional properties can then be used to control what files should be stored in the content management system. The curam.cms.attachment.enable property is used to specify whether files categorized as attachments should be stored in the content management system. This includes attachments that are associated with recorded communications and Microsoft Word communications. The curam.cms.proforma.enable property is used to specify whether the files categorized as Pro Forma communications should be stored in the content management system. This includes all files associated with Pro Forma communications with the exception of those Pro Forma communications created as a result of batch processing.

The next section describes the configuration options available for the storage of metadata information.