Adding a Service to a Target System

A target system can have multiple services associated with it. In the example described in the introduction to this chapter the Evidence Broker is the service being used. An URL (Uniform Resource Locator) must be defined for every service associated with a target system. The URL is used for identifying and interacting with the service in the target system. The URL is generated by combining the root URL of the target system, consisting of the system hostname and port, and the extension URL for the associated service. For example, an URL<servername>/services/EvidenceBroker can be generated for the Evidence Broker service in a target system by combining the root URL (http:// of the target system and the extension URL(<servername>/services/EvidenceBroker) of the associated Evidence Broker service.

Cúram Configuration Transport Manager (CTM) is another example where target systems are used. In CTM a target system is used to support the automatic transport of configuration data between source and target systems. When defining the target system for CTM, the Configuration Transport Manager service is used.