Non-Identical Evidence Sharing

Joe Williams is the primary client on a CGISS integrated case and his son Michael is a member of the case. Joe informs his CGISS assigned caseworker that his son Michael has been immunized and the caseworker updates the child's Medical evidence to reflect this. Joe and his son are also members of a CCS case.

Immunization evidence also applies to eligibility determination for CCS but in a different format, as CCS evidence records full details of child immunization dates and times. The system is configured administratively to share non-identical evidence types of Medical evidence and Child Immunization evidence from CGISS to CCS.

When the caseworker applies the Medical evidence on the CGISS case, the system determines that this is a shared evidence type and that the participant Michael Williams exists on both cases. The caseworker in charge of the CCS case is notified of the shared non-identical evidence change, and can navigate to details of the change in order to decide on what action to take.