Automatically Activating Shared Evidence

When the evidence broker has been configured to automatically accept evidence, it can also be configured to automatically activate this evidence on the target case. This saves the caseworker from having to manually activate evidence that has already been automatically accepted. Note that for systems which are configured to use person/prospect person evidence, and where the person/prospect person record is specified as the target, this configuration setting does not apply.

When a new evidence record is shared (and automatically accepted and activated), it is added to the list of active evidence; when an evidence update is shared (and automatically accepted and activated), it is also added to the list of active evidence and the connection with the original record which has been changed is automatically maintained by the system. To ensure that the evidence is brokered as a complete set, activation happens in bulk rather than activating each evidence record separately.

Shared evidence removals can also be automatically activated, resulting in the removal of the evidence record rather than the pending removal indicator being set.

Should the system be unable to activate any evidence records on the target case, because a validation fails for example, a task is assigned to the caseworker notifying them that the evidence record cannot be activated. The records that cannot be activated remain in edit on the target case, but all records which can be activated appear as active on the target case.