Configuring Evidence Sharing to a Person/Prospect Person Record

For systems that are configured to use person/prospect person evidence, the evidence broker can be configured to share this evidence in addition to sharing case evidence. Where the person/prospect person record, rather than a case, is specified as the target, some evidence broker configuration settings and functionality do not apply.

When the evidence broker broadcasts new evidence to a person/prospect person record, the evidence is automatically accepted and activated on the person/prospect person record. This means that it is added to the list of active evidence for the person/prospect person without the user having to manually accept and activate. Similarly, when an evidence update is shared to a person/prospect person record, it is also added to the list of active evidence and the connection with the original record which has been changed is automatically maintained by the system. When an evidence removal is shared to a person/prospect person record, the evidence is removed straight away from the person/prospect person record.

As the user does not need to manually accept and activate evidence which has been broadcast to a person/prospect person record, the configuration options associated with this functionality do not apply. As a result, there are no ‘In Edit’, ‘Incoming Evidence’ or evidence comparison screens available within the evidence workspace for a person/prospect person record as they are not required. All other configuration options are applicable when configuring evidence sharing to a person/prospect person record.

For further information on person/prospect person evidence, see the Cúram Evidence Guide.